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강원특수교육원 강릉 instutute of special education
location : 강원도 강릉시 Gangnueng-si, Gangwon-do, Korea
year : 2023, 현상설계 3등 3rd place, competition
use : 교육연구시설 educational facility
area : 2,834.52m² (857평)

장애인들이 주로 사용하는 점을 고려하여 건물 내부를 빠르게 파악하고 쉽게 이동 가능 하도록 중앙에 아트리움을 구성하고 삼면에 대강당, 교육공간, 관리공간을 배치하여 명료하게 영역을 구분하였다. T자의 평면이 만들어낸 두대의 외부공간은 후면 학교운동장과, 측면 수영장과 연계되며 전면에 긴 띠로 나타난 입면은 장애인의 편리한 진입을 위한 캐노피와 각 실에서 피난과 우발상황에 대비한 외부 테라스가 만든 장애인 시설에서 필요한 건축적 요소의 상징적 제스쳐이다. Considering that it is mainly used by people with disabilities, an atrium was created in the center to enable quick understanding of the inside of the building and easy movement, and the main auditorium, education space, and management space were placed on three sides to clearly delineate the areas. The two external spaces created by the T-shaped floor plan are connected to the school playground at the rear and the swimming pool at the side, and the façade, which appears as a long strip at the front, is created by a canopy for convenient access for the disabled and an external terrace for evacuation and emergency situations in each room. It is a symbolic gesture of the architectural elements needed in facilities for the disabled.

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